Thursday, 19 May 2005

Attribute of Will (of an All-Willing)

A will, is generally seen as something that initiates something. For a living intelligent thing for instance, there is a will in its actions, that it preforms.

Of course, not all actions, of a creature, are of its own will. For instance, our heart beats, and our continuous breathing. The energy synapses and nerve impulses throughout our bodies.

So 'will', is really the initiaiting factor behind things.

the power or faculty of choosing or determining; the act of using this power; volition; choice or determination; pleasure, wish or desire; inclination, preference; lust; command; arbitrary disposal;

Now... with regards to Power and Knowledge. An All-Powerful, All-Knowing, can not be separate from a state of All-Willing. Can any Will, be separate from the Will of such a God?

You see, its hard to think. How can, my own individual Will? Be within the Will of another?
How about.. if I knew you. I knew how to do something, to make you willing do something? Now its still your own individual will. But I had the knowledge, and power, and will, to do something. Which in turn, I know would result in your willingly doing something that I wanted to happen.
See how two such wills are thus connected?
Is it really mind boggling then, to think of something having all the power, and knowledge and all the will? Whilst you still having your individual Will, power and knowledge. Are you in any way, separate from such an original source?


vyoma said...

thats beautiful.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

great "original" words