Sunday, 17 April 2005

Essay of Word


Its root, is Silm, Salema & Salam. Salam is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah, one of his Divine Attributes. There is no Salam, but Allah; thus without Allah you have no Peace. So Islam is about that Peace, which can only be establish through Allah, by Allah and none other. Thus, you should ask yourself, what kind of peace is this, which is from God? Must it not be the best kind of peace as it is from God?

Silm is a state or condition of security. Thus, there is No Security, but with Allah. No security, but the Security of Allah, from Allah. Islam, is to make you feel secure, is to give a sense of security. Submission and security, come together. Feel secure in your submission, you are submitting to security.

Salema is root to words like peace, submission and obedience; also purity.

It is interesting to note that salama from which Islam has been derived means to be purified from all defects and evils or to be protected from them. It means one has avoided these defects. For example we read in 2:71 about the cow belonging to Bani Israel that it is "sound without any blemish in her." Thus salema basically means to be perfect without any blemish and to bring all our good abilities into action rising above all weaknesses.

The second root meaning of it is to be protected from all eventualities, accidents and difficulties. This meaning of the word pertains more to health and security. It is in this sense that in Urdu language we say salamat i.e. to be secure. It is interesting that in Philipino language the word for thanks is salamat that is the sentiment of obligation is expressed by wishing desire for security of the obliging person.

In Arabic also it is said salima min al-afaati i.e. he remained secure from all troubles. In Qur'an one of the names of Allah is Salam (59:23) i.e. one who is perfect and above all defects. But the compiler of Taj al-'Urus does not agree with this meaning at all and maintains that Salam is one who can provide security to others and Saalim is one who is protected by others. Thus according to Taj al-'Urus Allah is Salaam because he protects all others and he saves His creation from disorder and disturbance.

It is used in yet another sense i.e. peace and order. One who lives in complete harmony and peace with others is called al-silm. To live in peace and harmony oneself and create such possibility for others. In other words to create peace and security for the world. Yet another meaning is to surrender oneself. It is only when one surrenders oneself to the forces of law and authority. It is only when human beings surrender to the laws of Allah and of nature that there can be peace and harmony in the world. It also means to adopt the middle path avoiding all extremes as extremes bring about disturbances and disorder. It also means to avoid what is absurd and meaningless. Also in Arabic usage al-salemah is a woman who is very delicate and beautiful. Thus it would also mean what is beautiful and appealing.
source to above excerpt is found at :

Islam also means "to Submit to Allah". Now we have two things here, the Verb to Sumbit, and the Object to which to submit to is Allah. So what is this Submission? What form does it take? And what/who is Allah? Why Submit to Allah?

Islam, is also the name of the Deen. Deen means "Life Transaction". This is looking at what you are doing with your Life and why and for what? The Deen of Islam, is to live your life for Allah. Transaction means that you are doing it for some purpose some reason. What are you getting out of it? What is expected? In Islam, life is not for this life, but for the next life, just as the child is nourished in the womb, that life in the womb is preparation for the life outside the womb; thus in this wordly life, we try to nourish it for preparation for the next life, which is ultimately back to Allah.
You have transaction directly with Allah, which is Ibadaat; ie Salah, Prayer, Fasting, Hajj, etc. Transaction with Allah's creation is Amalaat; this means that you are to see every thing you do in this life, everything you know, witness and experience, treat it with knowledge of Allah, not heedless of his Witness and Account. Thus Islam, is All-Encompassing, as Allah is All-Emcompassing.
So now if you understand the concept of Deen, then you should understand that a Muslim is to live in peace with the Creator, within one's self, with other people and with the rest of Creation. If you are not in a state of Peace, then you are not totally in a complete state of Islam; for Islam is to bring peace and security.

Now the Submission is not meant to be a form that is coerced or forced, as "there is no compulsion in Faith"; how can you be forced to believe? That is in fact proof of lack of faith. So the Submission is supposed to be peaceful, natural and easy. Why then does it become difficult and a chore? Thats cause the way of Submission is not in Line with the Truth, the True way of Submission Transmitted Directly down to Earth from Allah. This Submission, should lead to Salaam in this Life and the next.

So now, we need to learn about Allah and this Submission, to know this Deen that is Islam and to know that Goal that is eternal true peace. Also, most importantly, learn how such things have been and are being transmitted to us, transmitted from Allah to Earth.

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